You are not alone.
support group
9 - week journey for people experiencing burnout symptoms
03.09.-29.10.2024, 18:00-20:00h
10115 Berlin Mitte, Schlegelstr. 9
Do you experience burnout symptoms? The group is a place where you can get support, nourishment and inspiration for finding sustainable way to live, and thrive rather than just survive.

Every crisis is also an opportunity
Burnout state usually comes as a combination of not respecting our needs and limitations (and often not even feeling them!) and having a drive to go forward/ do / succeed, regardless of the cost.
In this group journey, we will explore these topics that are useful regardless on where are you with the burnout symptoms: at the beginning, in the midst of the storm or in the integration phase.
Every week, we will go through a set of embodied, regenerative practices, following by a deeper exploration of a specific topic. The intention is to create a supportive, warm community of people willing to have a deeper look into themselves and use the crisis as an impulse to find a more sustainable way of living and thriving.
Week 1 Connection, support & resources
Week 2 Subtle language of the body
Week 3 Needs and boundaries
Week 4 Inner critic & inner observer
Week 5 Relationship to rest ( & what gets in the way)
Week 6 Unconscious beliefs
Week 7 Surrendering & trusting something bigger
Week 8 Gifts of burnout, purpose, and inspiration
Week 9 The path forward​​​
Practical details:
Location: 10115 Berlin Mitte, Schlegelstr. 9 (Tamaro Zen center)
Time: Tuesdays 18:00-20:00h, 03.09.-29.10.2024.
Price: 420 EUR ( 9-weeks journey + initial 30 min consultation), payable in 2 installments
How to apply: Send an email to amm.mandic(@)gmail, briefly sharing your motivation to join the group. After signing up, we will organise free 30-min talk to explore if the group is a fit for your needs.
This is not a recovery “program”, but support wherever you are on your path. Different people take different time to recover, in most cases significantly longer than 9 weeks.
You can join the group regardless if you feel the first symptoms of burnout, if you are deep in the process of recovery or in the integration phase. It can be very powerful to be together in a group with people who are in a different stage of the journey.
Looking forward to meeting you! ​
About Antonela Nia
I am an MSc. psychologist and body-oriented psychotherapy practitioner with diploma in Core Energetics® and Somatic Experiencing®, and personal experience of burnout recovery. I am passionate about the journey of uncovering the true self through practicing and teaching body psychotherapy and grounded spirituality.​​​